FCDL Comment:
MR1: At the applicant's request, ARISE ACADEMY K-3, BENJAMIN E. MAYS PREPATORY, HARRIET R. TUBMAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, HOPE ACADEMY, LINEAR LEADERSHIP ACADEMY, NEW ORLEANS CHARTER SCIENCE AND MATH HIGH SCHOOL, RECOVERY SCHOOL DISTRICT CENTRAL OFFICE, RECOVERY SCHOOL DISTRICT DATA CENTER, SOJOURNER TRUTH INDEPENDENT STUDY were removed from the Form 471 application. <><><><><> MR2: At the applicant's request, AKILI ACADEMY OF NEW ORLEANS, NO Science and Math Academy & SOJOURNER TRUTH ACADEMY were added to the Form 471 application resulting in a modification in funding. The funding request was modified from $200,970.60 to $197,047.80. <><><><><> MR3: The amount of the funding request was changed from $197,047.80 to $196,878.24 to remove: the ineligible use of Cisco WAE 612 Wide Area Application Engine @ $43.62; Cisco C3845-VSEC/K9 @ $126.00. <><><><><> MR4: Per Program rules, closed entities are not eligible for funding. The following closed entities were removed from Block 4 of the Form 471 application; HOPE ACADEMY, JOSEPH S CLARK HS, G W CARVER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, GREGORY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. The student counts associated with the closed entity(ies) have been removed from the application. <><><><><> MR5: The amount of the funding request was changed from $196,878.24 to $176,816.04 to remove: the ineligible entities G W CARVER INSTRUCTIONAL CENTER @ $7,031.37, JS CLARK HS @ $5,999.30, and GREGORY ANNEX A @ $7,031.37.