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DR1:This FRN is associated with 1799113367. 1799113367 is denied because FCC Form 470 did not post for Lit Fiber. This FRN requests Maintenance and Operation services for Dark Fiber IRU (No Special Construction) associated with the denied FRN. Therefore, this FRN is also denied. ||DR2:Documentation provided demonstrates that the price of the eligible products and services was not the primary factor in bid evaluation and the vendor selection. FCC Rules require that applicants consider all bids submitted and select the most cost-effective bid for services or equipment, with price of the eligible products and services being the primary factor considered. Since you did not meet this requirement, this FRN must be denied.||DR3:Documentation that contained information needed for potential bidders to respond to your RFP was not available for 28 days in the E-rate Productivity Portal before selecting your service provider. On 03/17/2017 and 03/20/2017 you uploaded RFP addendum that contains significant information for the bidders to be able to respond to the FCC Form 470 and RFP. However, this documentation was not available in the E-rate Productivity Portal for 28 days before you selected the service provider on 05/09/2017. Therefore, this FRN is denied. Program procedures require the FCC Form 470, RFP and any documentation providing the additional or modifying the original information in your FCC Form 470 and/or Request for Proposal be uploaded into the FCC Form 470 in the E-rate Productivity Portal and made available for 28 days before selecting a service provider. ||DR4:Applicants are required to conduct a fair and open competitive bid process. Applicants are also required to post the FCC Form 470 and any requests for proposals (or other bidding documentation) in the E-rate Productivity Center and wait at least 28 days prior to selecting the winning bid. If the applicant makes cardinal changes to the FCC Form 470 or to other bidding documents, the applicant must post the updates in E-rate Productivity Center and wait an additional 28 days prior to selecting the winning bid. During the review, it was determined that the applicant made cardinal changes to the FCC Form 470. Specifically, it was determined that the applicant provided an addendum containing schematic drawing with recommended points of entry. As the applicant did not wait 28 days after making cardinal changes to the FCC Form 470 (or other bidding documentation), this FRN is denied.||DR5:Applicants who solicit bids for Dark Fiber IRU service must also solicit bids for Lit Fiber service. The FRN is denied because the applicant did not seek bids for Lit Fiber service in the FCC Form 470 that established the competitive bidding process for this FRN. ||MR1:16021645 - Entity Name DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY SERVICE BUILDING has been removed from the FCC Form 471 application at the request of the applicant.||MR2:This FRN is for Maintenance and Operations, Dark Fiber IRU and OC-N (TDM Fiber) and was split in order to conduct an independent review of these respective services. The new FRN for Dark Fiber IRU (No Special Construction) is 1799113367. The new FRN for OC-N (TDM Fiber) is 1799113366 and the service provider is Merit Network, Inc. SPIN 143004331. The product(s)/service(s) remaining in the original FRN are Maintenance & Operations.
Service Start Date (471):
Service Start Date (486):
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