FCDL Comment:
MR1: The dollars requested were reduced to remove: the ineligible associated installation cost for 300 GB SAS Disk Drive for WAE-612 and SRST. <><><><><> MR2: The contract award date was modified to agree with the applicant documentation. <><><><><> MR3: FRNs 1563123, 1563238, 1563707, 1563726 are requesting funding for NEW HIGH SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION # 1, NEW CONSTRUCTION ELEMENTARY # 24, NEW CONSTRUCTION ELEMENTARY # 25, NEW CONSTRUCTION MIDDLE SCHOOL # 8. During the review of your funding request, you indicated this entity does not have a physical address. Program rules require that the applicant provide USAC where the services and/or physical components will be located prior to disbursing funds. Please contact the Client Service Bureau at 888-203-8100 and provide a physical address for NEW HIGH SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION # 1, NEW CONSTRUCTION ELEMENTARY # 24, NEW CONSTRUCTION ELEMENTARY # 25, NEW CONSTRUCTION MIDDLE SCHOOL # 8 prior to requesting a disbursement of funds for this entity. Invoices may be rejected if the entity's address information is not updated.